In these current times we have spent the last few weeks reviewing the Government guidance and we take the health of our patients very seriously. Please help us to minimise the spread of the virus by complying with our updated clinic policy.
Please reschedule your visit with us for 14 days time if you have recently returned from travelling abroad.
Please reschedule your visit with us for 14 days time if you feel unwell or you’ve had personal contact with someone who has recently returned from these countries.
Please reschedule your visit for 14 days time if you have flu-like symptoms, including a fever with a temperature above 38° Celsius, cough or breathing difficulties which could potentially be the coronavirus. We urge you to self-isolate for 7 days.
Please help us maintain a clean and hygienic environment by cleansing hands using our hand sanitiser gel, located throughout the clinic. Always wash hands with soap after using the bathroom.
Please maintain social distancing where possible, and do not enter the clinic until we come and fetch you from your car.
Please use a mask/tissue or handkerchief if you sneeze and sanitise your hands afterwards.
If you have any concerns regarding your care before coming for your appointment do not hesitate to contact us on 07920063908.
We will be continually reviewing the guidance from the Government, Public Health England and our regulator GCC and professional Association UCA to adapt our clinic to the changing situation as deemed necessary.
Finally.…..Please do not take offence if we refuse to provide a treatment for you in the case there is a suspected risk of infection. We
will ask you to return home where you should self-isolate in accordance with the latest official health advice for 7 days.
We appreciate your help and support in controlling the spread of Coronavirus and other infectious disease.